50 Years Of Service

Who is the Garden State Chiropractic Society?

The Garden State Chiropractic Society is a state organization of chiropractors, students and others who support the practice of chiropractic for the purpose of correcting vertebral subluxations because subluxations, in and of themselves, are a detriment to the fullest expression of life in all people at all times.

Our History

Since the earliest days of chiropractic practice in the State of New Jersey, there existed separate professional societies representing the “straight” and “mixed” points of view. During the mid 1960′s the leadership of both societies decided that a single united society of all chiropractors would further the already growing acceptance of chiropractic among both the legislature and the public.
However, soon after uniting under the banner of the New Jersey Chiropractic Society, the “straight” leadership lost control of virtually all positions of authority within the new organization to the numerically superior “mixers”. Against this backdrop, the Garden State Chiropractic Society was formed by a handful of DC’s determined to maintain chiropractic as the correction of the vertebral subluxation only.

By the mid 1970′s the Garden State was influencing legislations in Trenton and informing the public about the Truth of Chiropractic. The organization contained some of the highest-volume and most successful practitioners in America and attracted members looking to understand and practice Straight Chiropractic.

To this day, some three decades after its creation, the Garden State Chiropractic Society continues to provide leadership, legislative influence, education for the public and the profession and mentoring support for the new straight practitioner. lf the issue involves Straight Chiropractic, the Garden State is there.

Our Objectives

Straight Chiropractic is the art whose non-therapeutic professional objective is the location, analysis and facilitation of correction of vertebral subluxations because, in and of themselves, they are detrimental to the expression of one’s innate potential, and nothing else.

Vertebral Subluxation is a term to describe the misalignment of a vertebra in such a way as to interfere with the transmission of mental impulses over the nerves of the spinal cord and/or spinal nerve roots.

The objectives of the Organization are to assist chiropractors in any legal way that is practical; to promote, protect and advance chiropractic and to facilitate the public access to and knowledge of the services of chiropractic.

Thank you for choosing Garden State Chiropractic Society! If you have any questions or concerns please call 800-231-2916, email us here or contact us through this website!

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